Friday, June 13, 2014

It will be 2 years in one more month and a few days....update

I just cannot believe that it has almost been 2 years since I broke my ankle. This broke ankle was truly a wake up call for me. It made me realize just how out of shape I truly was. Sure I joined a gym and was going there for almost 4 years. I lost a few pounds, but put it back on faster I could work it off in the gym with how I was eating. I was horrible at eating, I would eat what ever I wanted....I especially loved those buffets. It truly showed when I broke my ankle. I could not use the crutches like a normal person. I could not hop up the stairs. I had a terrible time getting around. Sure I had the knee scooter eventually, but still I was so very out of shape.
Since my last post, I did have to see my awesome OS one more time. I had inflamed a tendon. A little PT & I was on my way to make a new start. I took what my DR told me to heart, "Don't let your ankle slow you down"

January I made a huge change to my diet. I made it a lifestyle change. I first cut out all soda & sugar. No Sugar in my coffee, no sugar in my tea, etc. If I had anything with sugar, it had to have 9 grams for less. February I started watching the sodium. I aimed for less than 500mg in the meals I chose for lunches, etc. I eventually changed to a mostly unprocessed green way of eating. I try to avoid processed foods, high fructose corn syrup, etc. So far I have lost 74 pounds!!! I have many more pounds to loose!

But I am determined this time around. Nothing is going to stop me now!
FYI Also on June 8, 2014. I finished my very first 5K.
My time was 48:26