Tuesday, April 23, 2013

It's Better to be Safe than Sorry!!

It's Better to be Safe than Sorry!!

That is one this I have learned from my Dr, as he's told be before "it's better to be safe than sorry". If you have any doubts in you healing, see anything strange like a blister or you incision is red, more swelling than usual, or abnormal pain...Call your Dr. That is what they are there for. I know I am guilty of not wanting to bug my Dr, but every time..but one...was an issue that needed to be taken care of...also...listen to your Dr. If you have suffered an ankle injury, one thing you will need to learn is the art of patience. You need to be patient, it will take time to get back on your feet, and listening to your Dr is key to recovery. That's my tips of the day :-) Now carry on.....


Melanie said...

I learnt this lesson the hard way. It is excellent advice and my follow up advice to others is that if your doctor doesn't encourage this or make you feel comfortable asking questions, find a doctor who does.

KC333 said...

That is very true!! I am truly blessed with a DR that I completely trust and am very comfortable with asking questions.