Monday, April 22, 2013

The Healing Process

The healing is far from quick. One of the main things I have learned with this ankle injury was patience. This is something that time is not one your side. The first 4 weeks drove me crazy after my injury. I was stuck at home, in front of the TV. This is especially hard for someone who does not watch much TV in the first place. Thank God for NetFlix & Grey's Anatomy marathons. I was able to watch every season from 1 to the current...

Here is a little timeline for you:

I broke my ankle - July 14, 2012
Had surgery - July 26, 2012 (plate on the fibula and syndo screws)
First follow up - August 3, 2012 
-  Dr just checked the x-rays, and explained my surgery more. It was nice to hear about the surgery from the Dr, which was the first time, because after surgery he spoke to my mother, I was still out of it due to general anesthetic.
2nd follow up - August 10, 2012
- Got my hard fiberglass cast, wanted pink but got purple. This was actually a fun visit, I love the residents in ortho. The resident I had, I wish I remembered his name was soo nice & between him & my Dr they kept me laughing... Best news was the ok to go back to work, with my knee scooter :-)
3rd follow up September 5, 2012
- Got the sad news, 2 more weeks in the cast. One of the shortest visits ever. I kept my hard cast, no need to replace it for only 2 weeks (even though it had duct tape on it..LOL)
4th follow up September 21, 2012
- Got my walking boot, orders for therapy (25% partial weight bearing), and a bone stimulator. Thank God my DR is proactive in getting me started with the bone stimulator. I really believe it helped speed up my healing. My Dr was concerned that it was not healing fast enough for him. One thing he stressed to me if I had any pain when weight bearing to stop. I took him at his word, he made sure that I got that through my head.
Started 2 times a week physical therapy September 24, 2012
Physical therapy I feel is soo important. It helped me for one figure out what 25% PWB was, and helped me gain the strength and confidence to get back on my feet. I was soo lucky to have the girls at UTMC to rely on, Ashley & Liddy were great! I never once dreaded going to therapy.
5th follow up- October 10, 2012
Cleared for 50% PWB, my healing was going great.
Continued Physical therapy 2 times a week
Was able to ride the bike and do more Range of Motion exercises.
6th follow up - November 20, 2012
I was cleared for Full weight bearing & was told I could lose the walking boot!! He also said he was done with me, that was after we went through all of my x-rays. I am so glad he saved going through my x-rays until the end, it was nice to be able to go through them & the healing process with him. He explained every x-ray. I really could not of asked for a better Dr in Dr Lai.  He wrote me up another script for therapy & sent me on my way....If only if I listened to the Dr.....

I would soon find out..that visit...would not be the last time I would see Dr Lai.

To be continued.... ;-)

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