Sunday, April 21, 2013

Skating disaster...

Skating disaster...

This journey with my ankle started one afternoon. It was a nice July afternoon, I just got done having a great weekend with one of my friends. I came home & asked my mom where my Sketcher roller skates were. They were in the basement. She had them ready for me. I never thought to check them, sure they have not been used in years...but I never thought to check the wheels. There I went, off to a skating party. Sure I probably could have just watched from the sidelines...but I used to skate A LOT growing up. Plus a few years a go I skated 3 hours straight with no problems... 

So we get there, and I put on my skates. I went around one time, the wheels were very jerky. I told my friend I am getting these things off...they are just not right. I made it off the rink and half way back to my seat. There I went...and all I heard was a friends telling me just to get up...I was like there is no way. Well I was able to get them off, and into an office chair and into my truck. 

There I went across town to the only hospital my insurance covers UTMC. They took great care of me, X-rayed, and wrapped up in a splint. Luckily it was my Left ankle, so I drove myself home...yes, thank God for Tramadol...I was able to drive home. 

That day July 14, 2012.. was the first day of this journey of orthopedic care. I am too blessed that my insurance covers some of the BEST Drs in Toledo. I got an appointment on July 18 with a Dr, who reviewed my fibula fracture & syndesmosis injury with me. He referred me to another Dr, as he is more specialized in ankle injuries. this OS was able to explain to me the need for surgery & then had my ankle surgery scheduled for July 20. There was an issue due to medications I was on, so that got cancelled and moved to July 26. I was not too happy about that, because all I wanted was to be back to work. I was not a fan of that Dr at that time... That would change. Now that I look back, I am happy that I had a DR who was more concerned about being pro-active in preventing a possible complication in healing by canceling the procedure.

July 26 came along, I was nervous as hell. I have not had surgery since I was a kid. I was very nervous...My mom was wheeling me through the hospital to register then to up to pre-op, as we passed the coffee cart there was my Dr with a smile and a wave. That seemed to calm my nerves a bit. Did all the pre-op stuff, then my Dr came in to explain everything, and off to surgery I went. I was miserable for the first few days....thank God for the Olympics and those pain meds would wake me up up in the middle of the night. 

Crutches were my enemy, but they got me from one place to another...slowly but surely. That big ol'surgical splint was not the friendliest or the prettiest, but it worked. I left the hospital not only with 2 syndo screws, and a nice large plate on my fibula. I had a much more serious fibula fracture, it was comminuted fracture, which means it is a fracture in which the bone involved in the fracture is broken into several pieces. It was not an easy fix I would soon find out from my awesome Dr. Thank God I had the Dr that I did. 

I will post more about my Broken Ankle Journey later....

Photo of me watching the Olympics...

1 comment:

Susy said...

I remember those first few days!! So miserable!