Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Should have listened to the Dr....

Should have listened to the Dr....

I truly learned a lesson from not listening to my Dr. Sure there were some times when I put weight on my ankle before I should have, or increased my PWB from 50% to 75%...but as my Dr told me at my last appointment, he did not have to worry...because I always tattle on my own self... Every time, I ended up fessing up to my Dr...LOL I just cannot lie to my Dr, I am honest to a fault as my friends tell me.

It was during my last visit, I should have LISTENED to my Dr. He had me walk from the chair to the exam table without my boot. I did fine, so he ended up telling me to loose the boot. I told him ok, but I will wait for therapy...Well my appointment with the Dr was 11/20/2012, but my PT was 11/28/2012. So I practiced in the safety of my home, bootless...but outside my house the boot was securely on my leg. I walked it up, but still in the boot. The day before therapy, guess what my handy dandy security blanket of a boot did...gave me a birthday present of it's own. A nice blister right on my nicely healed incision. I panicked a bit, but I will check with therapy... I got to work, the boot hurt like hell... the boot got the boot, under my desk it went. I got to therapy, by then it was broken and seeping. They attempted to page my Dr, which happened to be on vacation. They told me DON'T put the boot back on & contact my Dr as soon as he gets back.

I called my Dr on December 3, 2012, actually spoke to his Medical Assistant. Expecting it to be no big deal, maybe get an appointment some time that week or so...but no.. even though it was my Dr's surgery day, he wanted me in that day & he will come out of surgery to look at it. This really surprised me because I did not think it was that urgent...He checked it out & did not like what he saw. I asked if maybe it was a suture trying to work it's way out. I explained that it had to be the boot, the girls at PT located the exact spot in the boot where it was rubbing & I should have just listened to him to loose the boot...He disagreed with me thinking it could have to do with the hardware. He had me keep it clean & see him that Friday (btw I had Friday off, I requested it off to go shopping).

Friday December 7, 2012 came, I got all ready for what I thought would be a quick check. It was far from quick. my Dr was not happy with the healing at all. I was on antibiotics. He probed it and it was deeper than he thought. He was going to have to do a procedure right then, basically surgery with local. (thinking great there goes my shopping plans) I told him I trust him & do what he feels is necessary. I really do trust my ortho Dr more than any Dr I know. He has just been so honest, and actually takes the time to explain everything...I truly feel I have the best Dr...Now back to the story. He basically had to cut away the dead, infected skin of the blister. He did what they refer to as an I&D, a debridement. When doing this he realized it went all the way to the plate...not good. He then told me he would have to finish it in the OR. He had the residents wrap it up. Then my Dr scheduled the surgery with me  for December 11, 2012. My shopping trip to Detroit happened, my Dr approved me going shopping, only if I had my knee scooter :-)

December 11,2012, I was scheduled as an add on surgery. I worked all day until they called & told me I needed to be at UTMC. I got all prepped. The nurses remembered me. They were great as always. My Dr came up and explained the surgery and possible complications. and then we waited for an OR to become available. I also at that time asked my Dr if he could remove the syndo screws...he told me he would "think" about it, and only if he got close. (btw previous appointments I bugged my Dr about removing the syndo screws, and he always said no...lol) This surgery I was only sedated & nerve block. It was nice I was awake during the end of the procedure. It was nice being able to talk to the residents and everyone after the procedure and move myself off the table. It was also nice that I was able to talk to my Dr after I got back to recovery. He explained everything he did, it was a more through I&D, and he really cleaned it out. Before he explained anything, he had to tell me the news that I wanted to hear...he attempted to get my syndo screw, and he got half. :-) Half is better than nothing. I did let him know a day before I did feel my walking did get better, that is probably when it broke. One of the residents explained that on the x-ray it looked in tact but bent before he tried to remove it. I was to see him that Friday so he could check the wound.  I think I had the biggest splint ever that time...I could not find my toes if I wanted to...LOL

To be continued.....just the beginning....

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