Sunday, October 20, 2013

Are you serious? Again?

"My ankle hates me. period."

That is what I told my Dr's Med assistant recently. I was planning on a Friday off. Guess what? I got a little mark near my scar/incision. it looked like I bumped it. That was on Friday, October 4, 2013. I put a bandaid on it. I did not think anything of it...well by Sunday it was no longer a mark but a sore, and very painful one in fact. It was warm and seeping. All signs of infection. So I emailed my OS. I am sure I could have went to my PCP on Monday, but my OS is familiar with this issue so I awaited his response. He got me in right away. Sure enough, it's confirmed, the infection is back.

I got my antibiotics, and I need to do the normal wound care...If it gets worse contact my OS's resident or MA. I know the drill all too well. It's a lot smaller then before. If it's still infected in 2 weeks then it will be another debridement, hopefully just in the office. So far so good, it's healing up so far. 

(update-my OS believes it actually was not an infection, but an inflammatory cleared up before he could biopsy it to find out exactly what I could have been...and luckily it has not flared up again)

Some Good News.

Well my ankle may hate me, but I am going to make it hate me more. I got the OK from my OS to start Couch to 5K. I am on my 3rd week. So far so good. I will start documenting this more, especially as my ankle becomes less of an issue. I am using this ankle as inspiration to do something I never thought I could do pre-broken ankle. I never thought I could jog a minute, let alone a 5K. So far it is not even my ankle that it giving me the problems. I am going to keep on going. I am determined this time to accomplish my goal and loose this weight. I know that this weight may have been a huge contributor to my issues with my ankle. I want to prevent it, and become more active. 

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