Monday, October 28, 2013

New item I got to try just in time for my training!!

Here is the packaging.
I got a brand new item to try from (Ireceived this product complimentary from Influenster.), just in time for my training for couch to 5K. They are from Dr Scholl's and the are the Active Series. 

I received the ones for female and in my shoe size range.  They were very easy to size up for my shoes and replace my old insoles. 

I  received them in the mail from influenster and I reviewed the packaging. I was very excited because they claim to help with some of the issues I have been experiencing as a new runner. Specifically shin splints.  

Here is the Back.
I tried them out in my old pair of Reebok that I have been using during the beginning of my journey. They were very easy to size and place in the shoe.

So far they have worked. I am tempted to try them out in my new shoes. I really think that would be the true test. I have used them for walking, jogging, and just shopping. They have improved my shoes so far. I am feeling the pain less and less. I am not sure if it is just the inserts or the combination of the inserts and the KT tape.

Anyway, I would recommend these inserts, especially to those new to running and especially if you need that extra support in older shoes or shoes that are lacking in these specific areas.
Go to Dr Scholl's website for more info! 

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