Sunday, April 21, 2013

What the hell am I supposed to do with these???

Crutches...they gave me hell. They bring them in, they take 30 seconds to show you the basics...and off you go. When you are a big girl like me, and obviously not that coordinated...using crutches are a nightmare. The very first night, I got home, hopped up the stairs, don't ask me how? Because I could never do that one again. Then fell in the door, literally. Then fell once I got in the house. My main goal, find something to use other than crutches... My parents got my great aunt's walker out...I just could not wrap my head around using it. I continued with the crutches..Hopping. Now I can laugh at my self. I was so afraid of falling & of the crutches I did not even try. I now can crutch with no problem like a normal person...LOL

I did find  my savior, a great solution. A knee walker!! I told my DR at my surgery I was planning on getting one, and I was getting it from Wal-Mart....Actually I already ordered it. He did laugh, and tell me you can't get things like that from Wal-Mart. I did and he eventually approved me using it, once I got my hard cast. It was a savior. I was able to go any where with it!! As soon as I got my hard cast, I was back to work, off shopping at the mall, and going out with friends. I did not have to be stuck at home, I was not going to let this broken ankle rule my life!!


Bruce Almighty said...

Ever take that thing off any sweet jumps?

KC333 said...

I should really try....LOL but I can't afford to break any more bones...Per Dr's orders, no more falling...sooo... :-)

Susy said...

I had one of these & loved it. I did get a giggle watching the youtube videos of kids playing with them in a skateboard park!!